View this email in your browser Self-care is so much more than a facial or a massage! It encompasses eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, resting, connecting with friends, family, and community, and having a positive mindset. It also includes making space for yourself - figuratively and literally. Sometimes as a parent, partner, sibling, child, or friend, your role as a caregiver makes it hard to allow your needs to be first and foremost. A simple step is creating a private “away” space that is only yours, a place of refuge within your daily environment. Social psychology research finds that a personal space minimizes information overload, reduces stress, and allows for increased focus. So no matter how busy you are, carve out a few minutes to create and enjoy a peaceful nook. This space is a place to pause - for meditation, writing, reading, thinking, relaxing, or occasionally just staring out the window.
Your space does not have to be expensive or expansive!
Jen’s sanctuary is so simple! She has a cozy chair that immediately offers a sense of calm to her mind and body. And Jen has been meditating here for over 12 years. She inspires her private and group clients to tap into this simple habit to create self-care in their busy lives. Jean Marie created a small office in a guest room to allow her to work from home. She tutors math to high school students and practices empathy and kindness during every session. Most of her students are dealing with immense stress and their time with Jean Marie is often about more than just math. Her peaceful space allows her to connect deeply with her students and provides her an escape from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the home.
One of our clients placed a small tee-pee in her office and added twinkle lights. She steps in for her daily meditation and is immediately transported to a place of peace and contemplation. Even her dog, Harvey, an energetic Chesapeake Bay Retriever, comes to this sacred space to be calm and quiet.
What area do you envision as your daily place to unplug? We know some of you are artists, writers, therapists, and coaches who have already naturally created your own place of refuge. (We would LOVE to see photos!) But, if you don’t already have an allocated spot, take action to create it.
Things to keep in mind:
Create your space away from the clutter and chaos of daily life
Integrate items that bring you joy and promote calm
Add a cozy blanket, pillows, a plant, or flowers
If possible, allow for music, natural light, or a view
A door to close will enable you to set boundaries more easily
When practicing intentional self-care, you’ll see firsthand how you can engage in everyday life with more presence, greater joy, and a more profound sense of peace. We can all benefit from just a few minutes of inner reflection and respite daily. Give it a try and let us know it goes!
We have heard from many of you that the habits you formed during The Sugar Experiment 31 are supporting a new, healthier lifestyle.
We are on a mission to help humans kick their sugar habit!
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Be Wondrous!
Jen & Jean Marie